SBB is anything but a ‘typical accountant’: on the contrary, it is the consulting partner for companies, liberal professionals and social profit organizations, who can go there with all their questions and issues, from the broadly strategic to the specialized in-depth. For its own sustainability project, SBB called on our expertise.
Our client – SBB Accountants & Advisors
Our challenge – determining the next steps in sustainability for the company
Our solution – an ESG roadmap, sustainability report and sustainable narrative
We worked together with SBB’s ESG steering committee, in which executives and staff from different ESG domains are represented. Through workshops, a stakeholder survey, and in-depth interviews with external stakeholders, we drew up a longlist of topics for the double materiality analysis. Internally, we validated the finallist of material topics through several focus groups. This resulted in 9 material sustainability themes, grouped in three pillars: ‘Consultancy firm ofthe future’, ‘Care for our people’ and ‘Together for climate and environment’.
The materiality analysis formed the basis for the ESG roadmap. This took shape during brainstorming sessions and a general workshop with the ESG steering group. Some key sustainable themes include: committing to a forward-looking business model, acting ethically, reducing the carbon footprint, and encouraging personal growth of employees.
CO2 emissions play a central role in any sustainability journey. For a service provider like SBB, the CO2 drivers are distributed differently than for a manufacturing company, but an in-depth calculation remains crucial to determining targeted reduction actions. Using the tools and principles of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, we calculated SBB’s carbon footprint for 2019-2023. Based on this, we drew up an ambitious but achievable plan to reduce scope 1 and 2 emissions.
Working with Pantarein has helped us shift up a gear in terms of sustainability. Our goal is to provide maximum support to customers and proactively engage them in a future-oriented story. Pantarein shaped our sustainability story to suit our people and customers, and guided us as we would have done ourselves.
Our joint efforts led to SBB’s first sustainability report. As a large company, SBB has to comply with CSRD reporting obligations from the 2025 financial year. Therefore, we carried out a CSRD gap analysis, clearly listing all obligations and initiating the reporting process. Pantarein took care of the implementation from A to Z.
The report focuses on the 9 themes from the double materiality analysis, each with concrete commitments. To reinforce SBB’s story, we opted for employee testimonies and the highlighting of certain projects. In 2025, we will continue to work on closing the gaps, so that SBB can present a fully compliant report in 2026.
To communicate clearly and unambiguously about the sustainability strategy and report, we developed a sustainable narrative. That narrative, based on the double materiality analysis and SBB’s organizational culture, provides an engaging story to which employees and customers alike can relate. The three pillars form the common thread throughout all communications, enabling SBB to tell credible stories about its sustainability efforts in the years to come, without the risk of greenwashing.