FWO: Accessible and attractive science communication

Accessible and attractive science communication

How do you increase support for scientific research? For the FWO, we have developed an appropriate communication strategy with a good mix of content: articles, videos, podcasts, a yearbook, etc. Unburdening the customer is key.

Our client

Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO)

Our challenge

Place scientific research in the spotlight for a broad audience

Our solution

A diverse range of communication products for stakeholders and the general public

Tailor-made strategy

The FWO funds scientific research in Flanders within various disciplines and research institutes. Through a sophisticated strategy, we highlight the results of this research in both academic circles and among other interested parties. Every year, we take a close look at the target audiences and examine how we can best serve them.

To share the pioneering work of FWO researchers with a wide audience, we transformed the digital magazine Kennismakers into a fully-fledged content platform in 2022. Across four editions per year, each dedicated to its own theme, scientists explain their research in fixed formats such as ‘Over the wall’, in which two scientists explore each other’s research, ‘Five fun facts’, and ‘My job as …’. And this goes beyond just articles: for those who prefer to watch or listen, we also create videos and podcasts.

For each edition, we develop a separate content calendar, optimising the magazine’s reach. Sponsored ads deliver new and evergreen content to the right target groups. On the basis of the results that we achieve (reach, views, CTR, etc.), we make adjustments where necessary, constantly focusing on new modes of communication.

The right content for the right person

For over a decade, Pantarein has developed its specialisation in science communication. Our editors are able to easily make the translation to accessible content. This enables us to compile balanced dossiers, explain complex subjects in a comprehensible way, provide good ideas, etc. For instance, the FWO can count on us to create their various annual reports, undertake the layout of their policy plan, etc.

A recurring showpiece is the yearbook, which is primarily targeted at stakeholders and the academic world. In collaboration with the FWO, we choose a central theme for this brochure, highlighting the achievements of the past year. In 2021, the FWO emphasised ‘Innovation’, 2022 was a ‘Year of Stories’, while the 2023 yearbook focuses on the FWO as a home for all scientists.

Each time, a select group of scientists explain their research in an interview. Our editors transform this into an attractive story in clear language, after which our graphic designers give it their all. As a result, each issue has its own, unique graphic style. The result is more than an annual review: it’s a stylish magazine.

Peace of mind at the centre

In Pantarein, the FWO found an overall partner who takes charge of every project from A to Z. And that goes beyond magazines and yearbooks. For example, every year we design a special Christmas card for the FWO, always in line with their theme for that year. We don’t shy away from thinking completely out of the box; or, in the case of the 2022 Christmas card: with a cut-out shape.

Even when the FWO moved into its new headquarters in Brussels, Hoek 38, in 2022, we assisted them in putting their own stamp on the building. We created their logo, shared via various gadgets, and designed the signage inside. This ranged from signposts for the meeting rooms to a physical timeline with the most important milestones in FWO history on the wall. Thanks to this, visitors can literally walk through the history of the FWO.